Admission & Discharge

For all planned cases, Customer service executive shall inform you a day prior on date and time of arrival. Please carry your ID, all available medical reports and insurance card for the admission process.

Visitor Restrictions Due to Coronavirus and the Flu
Admission & Discharge Guidelines
For all planned admissions customer service executive shall inform you a day prior on date and time of arrival. Please carry your identification details and all available medical reports and insurance details for the admission process.
The hospital is Wi-Fi enabled. Patients and visitors can stay connected during their stay or visit at the hospital. TV Screens: Aster provides television services in all patient rooms & waiting areas
The hospital provides dressing gowns, bedroom slippers and toiletries. The hospital is under CCTV surveillance. However, we highly recommend leaving valuables and jewellery at home or handing over to your family.
Room categories offered are Deluxe room. All rooms have en-suite bathrooms and are tastefully furnished with telephones. All rooms have a sofa bed to accommodate one person for an overnight stay.
It is best to pack a suitcase two weeks in advance, including pre-washed nursing bras, baby vests, baby gowns, mittens and wrapping blankets. You should provide copies of passport of both the parents, Qatar ID. In case of NICU admission for the baby, please contact the billing department as the standard maternity packages do not include these charges.
All admitted patients need to wear hospital wrist ID band clearly stating their full names and UHIDs to ensure identification. Make use of the call bell system at bedside and in all bathrooms in case of assistance.
Self-paying Patients-Expenses not covered by insurance plans will have to be settled by the patient via cash or credit card.
Insured Patients-Aster Hospital is empaneled with the top insurance companies for providing medical cover: Al Koot, QLM, Globemed, Nextcare, Cigna, Allianz, AETNA, Mednet, MSH, NEURON, AXA, Bupa, MetLife. Expenses not covered by insurance plans and applicable copay will have to be settled by the patient by cash or credit card.
Families are requested to arrange for home clothes, transport and finances for the planned day of discharge. The discharge summary and instructions including medication, follow up details other advice will be explained and handed over to the patient. The discharge process typically takes 3 hours or less from the time of confirmation by treating doctor.
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