Consultant - Ophthalmologist
Ear piercing in children
The process of ear piercing involves several crucial steps to ensure safety and effectiveness. Health and safety are paramount when it comes to ear piercing.
Eyes are one of the most crucial parts of the human body, without the eyes being healthy, you won’t be able to perform day to day tasks or get to experience life to its fullest and that’s why there’s a specialty in medicine that deals with every issue related to the vision or eyes, Called “ophthalmology”
Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and management of eye disorders. The physician or doctor specializing in ophthalmology is called an “ophthalmologist”
Very often, people get confused between opticians, optometrists, and ophthalmologists because these three professions are specialists in eye care and have overlapping job descriptions, but there’s a significant difference between the three.
Here are a few specific conditions an ophthalmologist can treat:
There are hundreds of more conditions an ophthalmologist can help including, including Dry eye, Macular degeneration (AMD), Refractive errors (near-sightedness, far-sightedness ), Retinal detachment, retinopathy, and much more.
If you’re experiencing chronic or severe vision problems such as:
You might have to immediately go to an emergency room in case any of the following symptoms:
Regardless, of the reasons given above experts suggest that you should get your eyes regularly checked up so that in case of a major condition, it can be treated early.